
Conduits and Plumbing Locating with GPR

Having information on what lies beneath the concrete floors prior to saw cutting is essential to ensure the safety of the workers involved with the demolition. Also, having information on the location of existing embedded conduits and plumbing throughout a project area helps everyone to devise a plan as to where future utilities should be placed.

A plumbing contractor was working on a project inside a university building in Ann Arbor, Michigan which required them to saw cut out portions of concrete slabs to install new utilities throughout the space. There was a need to locate all the existing plumbing lines that passed through the project area so that a plan could be devised on how to place the new plumbing. There was also a concern about the main electrical panel that was in the same area for future saw cuts. The contractor didn’t have any information as to where the paths of the electrical lines passed through, and the risk of possibly damaging multiple live power feeds during the saw cutting was too great to continue without added information.


Ground Penetrating Radar Systems of Michigan was contacted by the plumbing contractor to conduct a concrete investigation to determine the paths of any embedded conduits & existing plumbing lines. GPRS performed the scan using a 1600 MHz high-resolution concrete antenna accompanied by an RD8000 (Radio Detection wand). The equipment used allowed GPRS to identify the main live power feeds passing through the saw cut areas and mark the findings directly on the surface in real time. All of the plumbing lines were also located in the area of concern. Once the scan was finished, all the findings were then communicated clearly to the onsite superintendent.

Don’t saw cut, core drill or dig without calling GPRS first. For more information in the Ann Arbor, MI area, contact Regional Manager Thaddeus Bullock at (734) 377-4551 or You can also visit our "Contact Us" page.